Dapper Cat Zines

A team of two chaotic entities who enjoy organizing original zine projects.

Current Project: Our Hearts in Harmony

Welcome friends!We're two friends from university who both enjoy fangirling over other people's art and writing, so naturally, we decided to start organizing zine projects together! Although we like to work on original projects, we may dabble in fanzines in the future!For those who wonder why we named ourselves "Dapper Cat Zines", the answer is very simple: Ecila's cats look very dapper in their bowties.


ABOUT ME: Hiya, it's your resident video game and musical theater enthusiast, AJ, here! I'm allergic to cats, but I love them, so I guess I'll just die a very cuddly, fluffy death. In my free time, you can usually find me writing, drawing or playing some 3rd person open-world game.ZINE EXPERIENCE: Co-head mod of Legends Zine: From Storybook to Heart and Fatality and Flora. Participated in 5+ zines as a contributor.


ABOUT ME: Hello! This is Ecila. You have entered a perilous journey where you will hear no end of my cats and their cuteness! I still squeal over cute ships (but only part time now that I'm a cat lady). I like working with AJ on our fun projects!ZINE EXPERIENCE: Co-head mod of Fatality and Flora

Fatality and FloraMarch 2021 - March 2022A digital, for-charity project that featured original characters based on Hades and Persephone.Status: COMPLETE

Our Hearts in HarmonyMay 2022 - TBDLove stories across different time periods, cultures and settings that are connected by the common theme of music, featuring original characters.Status: Shipping

Look to the SkyArt and writing that put a spin on mythological figures across different cultures that have a connection to the sky.This project is tentatively scheduled after Our Hearts in Harmony, but this is subject to change.

What's the theme of this project?
This zine will feature original character love stories, taking place across different time periods, cultures and settings. All pieces will have a central theme of listening to, composing or playing music.
__What format will this project be?__
We will be producing a low-cost digital zine and a physical sticker pack!
__What types of creators can apply?__
We'll be looking for artists (page & merch) and writers for this project!
__How many contributors will you be accepting?__
Around 50 contributors if possible! The ratio of artists to writers will depend on the amount of applications per category.
__Can minors apply?__
All our projects are SFW, so minors are allowed to apply!
Do applicants need previous zine experience?
Nope! We welcome both newcomers and veterans of zine projects!
Is traditional art allowed?
Absolutely! We would love to have some traditional artists in this zine! Just make sure that you're able to provide high quality scans of your piece!
How will contributors be compensated?
Contributors will receive a free copy of the zine's PDF. Additionally, we hope to be able to ship free sticker packs to all our contributors if sales allow! If we don't meet our goals, then any profits will be put towards covering as much as possible so that contributors can be offered sticker packs at production cost + shipping or lower.

What you should do:
✔️ Submit 3 samples of your best completed work. Simple backgrounds (solid color/gradient) are fine!
✔️ Provide samples that best represent the style you plan to use for your piece
✔️ Portfolios are optional but encouraged!
✔️ For merch artist apps, we recommend submitting samples of sticker designs since that will be what we'll be producing!
What you shouldn't do:
❌ Although you can submit NSFW samples since the mods are 18+, it is not recommended since our projects are completely SFW!
❌ Don't forget to make sure all links work! If your app is inaccessible, it cannot be reviewed!
Apps will be judged on: style-dependent anatomy, use of color, piece layout, visual story-tellingWriters
What you should do:
✔️ Submit 3 samples of your best work. Chapters/excerpts are fine!
✔️ Make sure the word count for each piece is around 1000-2000 words. It's fine if you're under/over by a bit!
✔️ Portfolios are optional but encouraged!
What you shouldn't do:
❌ Although you can submit NSFW samples since the mods are 18+, it is not recommended since our projects are completely SFW!
❌ Don't forget to make sure all links work! If your app is inaccessible, it cannot be reviewed!
Apps will be judged on: grammar, spelling, ability to concisely tell a compelling narrative, characterization

Find us here:

Join our mailing list to receive notifications for applications and pre-orders: CLICK HERE!Have any questions, comments or concerns? Message us on Twitter or email us at [email protected]!